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October 5-7, 2021

2-nd information letter

Problemi prom botaniki

K  U  Z  B  A  S  S

Kemerovo – 2021

In the framework of the Year of science and technology in the Russian Federation Kuzbass Botanical garden, Federal research center of Coal and Coal Chemistry and Siberian Federal center of Agrobiotechnologies invites You to participate in the VI-th International scientific conference "Problems of industrial botany industrially developed regions", which will be held October 5-7, 2021.

Conference Program Committee:

Honorary ChairmanI. Y. Koropachinsky – Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk).

ChairmanZ. R. Ismagilov – Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kemerovo).

Deputy ChairmanKupriyanov A. N. – Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department. "Kuzbass Botanical Garden, Chairman of the Council of Botanical Gardens of Siberia and the Far East (Kemerovo).

Members of the Organizing committee:

V. P. Upelniek – Director of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Chairman of the Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

P. V. Krestov – Director of the Far Eastern Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the RAS (Vladivostok) Corresponding Member of the RAS.

G. T. Sitpaeva – General Director of the Institute of Botany and Introduction (Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty) Academician of NAS RK.

M. Schletterer – Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (Austria, Innsbruck), Priv.-Doz. Dr.

K. S. Golokhvast – Acting Director of the Siberian Federal Research Center for Agrobiotechnologies of the RAS (Novosibirsk), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.

V. V. Chepinoga – the Director of the Central Siberian Botanical garden SB RAS (Novosibirsk), Doctor of Biological Sciences.

V. A. Andrachanov – Director of the Institute of Soil science and Agrochemistry SB RAS (Novosibirsk), Doctor of Biological Sciences.

A. N. Yakovlev – Rector of the technical University Kuzbass (Kemerovo), Ph. D.

V. P. Potapov - Director of the Kemerovo branch of the Institute of Computing Technologies RAS (Kemerovo), Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Yu. A. Manakov – Associate Director Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnologies RAS (Novosibirsk), Doctor of Biological Sciences.

A. S. Revushkin – Professor of the Department of Botany of the National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

M. M. Silantieva – Dean of the Biological Faculty of the Altai State University (Barnaul), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.


Conference Organizing Committee:

Conference Secretary: A.E. Nozhinkov, Ph.D.

S. A. Sheremetova – Kuzbass Botanical Garden (Kemerovo), Doctor of Biological Sciences.

V. I. Ufimtsev – Kuzbass Botanical Garden (Kemerovo), Ph. D.

O. O. Vronskaya – Kuzbass Botanical Garden (Kemerovo), Ph.D.


The 5 October at the conference will be a meeting of the Regional Council

of botanical gardens of Siberia and the far east of the Presidium of RAS,

the 30-th Anniversary of the Kuzbass Botanical Garden dedicated


The conference program provides for work in the following areas:

- Digital technologies for solving environmental problems

- Ex situ and in situ conservation of biological diversity

- New technologies for disturbed land remediation

- Invasive species and their role in vegetation cover

Within the framework of the conference, two conference collections will be formed: the first – a collection of conference materials without inclusion in the citation databases, the second – a collection of articles based on the conference materials with inclusion in the core of the Web of Sciences (publisher: Bio web of conference, France, website:



Requirements for the design of the article in the first collection of the conference

1.Articles are submitted in electronic form at: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. to Nozhinkov Alexey Evgenyevich.

          2.The text must be typed in the Word text editor. Times New Roman font size 12 pt, line spacing – one and a half. The volume of the article – no more than 4 pages:

– The formulas must be typed in the MathType formula editor.

– Illustrations should be made as separate files of the main graphic formats. Black-and-white drawings are scanned in Bitmap format with a resolution of at least 600 dpi. Photos are scanned in Grayscale format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Color illustrations are not accepted.

– Paragraph indent – 10 mm, the same throughout the text. Do not put hyphenation.

– When typing, pay attention to the use of hyphens ( - ) and dashes (–) (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + "minus" on the small keyboard).

– When using abbreviations in the text (except for the generally accepted ones), it is necessary to give their interpretation (in the text or in the notes).

– Spaces. When writing dates, dimensions of variables, etc., use a non-breaking space. After the dot, comma, colon, and semicolon, set a single space. You can't use more than one space between words. Page numbering is not required.

– The list of references is compiled in alphabetical order, is drawn up according to GOST 7.1-2003 and is preceded by the word "LITERATURE ". References to the literature are given in parentheses, for example: (Ivanov, 2000).

       3. Structure of the article:

– UDC,

– Name in capital letters (in Russian and English),

– the initials and surname of the authors in lowercase letters (in Russian and English), - the title in capital letters (in Russian and English),

– the initials and surname of the authors in lowercase letters (in Russian and English),

– information about the author (s) (last name, first name, patronymic; place of work; position; postal address, e-mail, phone, fax).

– the actual text,

– references,

– tables with headings,

– captions to drawings,

– abstract in Russian and English.

      4. The Latin name of the plants should be given according to the latest sources (this does not apply to understanding the boundaries of taxa).

      5. Articles that do not meet the specified requirements will not be accepted for publication.

          All authors whose materials are accepted for publication will be notified of this in the third information letter, which will be sent out by July 15, 2021. By July 30, 2021, you must pay the registration fee in the amount of:

– for absentee participation in the conference - 600 rubles; includes the cost of publishing one article regardless of the number of co-authors and mail services.

– for full-time participation in the conference - 1000 rubles; includes the cost of the publication and other expenses.

To the author (the author's team) one copy of the conference materials is provided at no additional cost. Those who wish to receive an additional copy of the conference materials pay an additional fee of 250 rubles.

The money transfer to pay for the publication in the conference proceedings and the registration fee should be transferred to the Sberbank card (No. 4276 1609 2274 3209) and immediately report the payment amount with the last four numbers of the sender's card by e-mail to the address of the conference organizing committee: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

To publish in the second collection, you must pay the registration fee and send it to the conference email (Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.">Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.) scan the completed license agreement (see attached file) and additionally transfer 4000 rubles to the Sberbank card 4276 1609 2274 3209.

The fee is charged per article, regardless of the number of authors. These funds are necessary for entering articles into the citation database. Payment will be accepted after a positive review of the article.

Articles up to 4 pages (together with figures, tables, and references) should be sent to the conference email address (Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.">Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.) only in English until July 30! The translation of the text should be high-quality, not machine-made. The text of the article must be inserted in the attached form (required!), which already contains the fields, the necessary sections of the article and the rules for formatting the literature (https://www.webofconferences.org/authors).

Sample article

License agreement

This collection will be available only in electronic form. The electronic collection will be available on the website by the time of the conference, then approximately in 2-7 months indexing in WoS.

At the request of the authors, the articles can be published in two collections, but the materials must be different (the registration fee is paid 1 time). Collections may not contain more than 2 articles by the same author.


For all questions related to participation in the conference, please contact Alexey Nozhinkov by e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра., tel. 8 909 510 74 28 and Andrey Kupriyanov: e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.; 8 905 969 74 66. Information about the conference is available on the official website of the http://kuzbs.ru/ in the "News" section.

Address: Av. Leningradsky, 10. Kemerovo, 650065, Russian Federation


The Organizing Committee of the conference will be grateful to you for distributing this letter to interested parties

Organizing Committee

Registration form

the VI-th International scientific conference

"Problems of botany industrial industrially developed regions"

(Kemerovo, 5-7 October, 2021)

First name  
Middle name  
Scientific degree  
Post address  
The type of presentation (verbal, poster, without the report)  
Title of the report  
Participation in excursions  
Booking accommodation  

Download the registration form